
20 months

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ryan is 2

so I am a little late posting this as for I have been sick with a cold and now Ryan has it too and is trying to get 2 yr molars also. Ugh So we had birthday parties with Thomas cakes as Ryan says. He got lots of stuff and had a good time. He is now 28 lbs and 34 1/2 inches tall which is average size and weight for kids his age. He used to be above average on height but now isn't?!? oh well he is far from average cause he is too damn smart for his own good. He knows all the letters in the alphabet and can count to 13 in numbers. He loves his cartoons and knows everybodys name, even all the trains on Thomas cartoons. He loves the Dukes of hazzard too just like his daddy! ugh for me lol He knows lots of words and makes some of the darndest things to say... picks up a phone and says "Hello its me Ryan whatcha talkin bout???" or "Follow me mommy to the kitchen!" get there he wants a cookie the says "Follow me mommy to the TV!" hmm gonna have to learn to get himself a cookie but wait he knows that tooo!!! nothing is safe unless its behind a locked door!

so here he is at home eating his cake like a "big boy" by himself with no help from mommy!

Happy 2nd Birthday to my bud!!!


Intense Guy said...


He's way above average in awesomeness and cuteness!

Happy birthday Ryan! Hope you liked that Thomas cake (bet its all gone now...)

AliceKay said...

Cute post. Ryan's a smart little boy and growing every day. :) He sure loves Thomas, "Queen", and da Dukes!

Toriz said...

He definately sounds like a really smart little man!

Texas Gal said...

Gee he's growing up too fast...I won't be able to get back to PA for at least another year or so so make him slow down some!!!!

Intense Guy said...

Merry Christmas Karen and Ryan and all!!

Hope the new year brings you lots of fun times!